Privacy Policy


1. This is the official privacy policy (‘policy’) of South East Gates & Automation. This policy applies to all information collected by South East Gates & Automation about an individual or that is reasonably capable of identifying an individual (“personal information”). In this policy we explain how and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, and what controls you have over our use of it. By providing your personal information to us you consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

2. South East Gates & Automation is committed to complying with legislation governing corporation’s handling of personal information including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) (incorporating the Australian Privacy Principles) and any applicable privacy codes registered under the Privacy Act.

3. We note that this policy does not apply to information that has been anonymised, aggregated or otherwise de-identified provided that no person is reasonably identifiable from such data. We use and disclose de-identified information for marketing, advertising, research, compliance and other purposes.

Collection of personal information

4. Some information provided to us by clients, customers, contractors and other third parties might be considered private or personal. While you are not under any obligation to provide personal information to us, without certain personal information we may not be able to provide our products or services to you, respond to your enquiries or process your requests, allow you to participate in promotions or competitions operated by us or obtain the product or service you are offering.

5. The types of personal information we collect will vary depending on the reason we are collecting the personal information. We take steps to ensure that we only collect personal information if it is necessary for one or more functions or activities of South East Gates & Automation. The types of personal information we may collect and hold includes (amongst other things) names, addresses, identification information, phone numbers and email addresses, payment card details, bank account details, and other information contained in forms you provide to us.

6. South East Gates & Automation may collect and hold your personal information in the following circumstances:

a. if you contact, interact or correspond with South East Gates & Automation (including in person, online and via telephone or email);

b. when you submit personal information to us via the internet including our social media pages and our websites, such as providing your e‐mail address for inclusion on our website mailing list; and/or

c. if we are obligated to collect certain types of personal information by law.

Use of personal information collected and disclosure of personal information to others

7. We may use and disclose personal information we hold about you for the purpose that it was collected, for related secondary purposes you would reasonably expect, for other purposes you consent to and for other purposes that are authorised by law. Such use and disclosure is generally (but not exclusively) for purposes related to the provision, promotion, management, administration and improvement of our products and services.

8. We may also use your personal information to contact you on an ongoing basis about products or services that we think may be of interest to you unless you opt out or we are otherwise prevented by law. You may elect not to receive further marketing communications by notifying us using the contact details below.

Sensitive information

9. Some types of personal information are classified as ‘sensitive information’ under the Privacy Act, including information about racial or ethnic origin, religious affiliation, political or trade unions membership, sexual preference, criminal record and health information. Sensitive information is subject to greater restrictions under the Privacy Act. South East Gates & Automation does not generally collect, use or disclose sensitive information.

Website links

10. Our websites may contain links to other websites and those third-party websites may collect personal information about you. South East Gates & Automation is not responsible for the privacy practices of other businesses or third party websites that are linked to our websites. South East Gates & Automation encourages users to be aware when they access a link to a third party website and to read the privacy statements of each and every third party website that collects personal information.

Security and Storage

11. South East Gates & Automation has security measures in place designed to protect personal information under our control against loss, misuse, unauthorised access, destruction, modification, alteration or disclosure. We also take steps to ensure personal information we hold is de‐identified or destroyed securely when no longer required for any permitted purpose.

12. No data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect user’s personal information, South East Gates & Automation cannot ensure or warrant the security of any personal information transmitted to it or from its online products or services, and users do so at their own risk. Once South East Gates & Automation receives your data, it takes all reasonable steps to secure the data on our or our service providers’ systems.

13. You acknowledge that you are responsible for keeping your passwords and account information secret. Please contact us immediately if you think the security of your account may be compromised. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online.


14. If you have a comment or complaint about this policy or our handling of your personal information, please contact us using the contact details set out below.

15. We will promptly contact you to confirm we have received your complaint and then take steps to resolve it. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this process you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Changes to this policy

16. If South East Gates & Automation decides to update or change this policy, including with respect to how we deal with personal information or the types of personal information we hold, we will post changes to our Privacy Policy page on our websites. Please remember to refer back to this online policy regularly to view the most current version. You can also contact us using the details below to ask for a copy of our privacy policy.

Contacting us

17. If you require further information regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at 0416 491 325 or

18. Should you wish to read more information about your right to privacy under the Australian Privacy Principles we recommend that you visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at


19. You accept that your continued use of this website includes your acceptance of this policy.
